我向來都很愛看急症室題材的劇種,是次誠意推介Code Black!
劇初以一班實習生到LA Angle Memorial 引入,合情合理地會於醫療步驟上加以解釋,以便觀眾不會因醫學述語而阻礙理解劇情。急症室每天就是面對生死,劇本很寫實,第一集已經有腦死亡的劇情。面對意外、死亡,醫生及病者又該如何自處?醫生該如何把消息告知?劇中不少情境及對白,都令人留下深刻印象,例如:
第一集,一對父女因車禍同時送院,送院途中父親已經不醒人事,12歲的女兒著急地問父親情況,普通人即時反應會想先安撫女兒情緒,不其然會告訴她「爸爸無事」,但Dr. Rorish 便這樣回應她:「我們並不知道你爸爸昏迷的原因。我們不能在這黑暗的環境中查明原因。所以我們需要你的答允,讓我們能夠安排爸爸到手術室。我承諾當我知道原因會盡快告知!」(the truth is, we don't know why your father's unconscious, And I can't learn anything out here in the dark. So with your permission, I want to take him inside, And I promise you I will tell you everything I know as soon as I know it. Okay? ) 即使小朋友年紀嘗少,他們也許不理解死亡,但成人有責任去告知他們真相。(She maybe young , but she entitled to the truth )
第三集, 一對兄弟因車禍送院,後發現哥哥(Kevin)因醉駕引起車禍,而弟弟因此喪命。母親得知消息後情緒激動,責罵哥哥,甚至不認他為兒子。媽媽坐在弟弟屍首身邊良久,醫生認為她並不只是對幼子不捨,還有在爭扎該否原諒長子。於是Rorish跟媽媽說:「
你還有一名兒子,我知道此刻很難去原諒他 (You still have one son. I know how hard it must be to forgive him right now.)」
媽媽:「我做不到⋯⋯不可能。(I can't...do it..I can't)」
Rorish:「但你想做⋯否則你不會留下來。(but you want to, or you won't still be here. )」
「我在一場交通意外中同時失去了丈夫及兩名兒子。而我卻幸存,我不理解。Kevin與所有人一樣,有同樣感覺,他會因此想死。(I was in a car accident with my husband and two children. We were hit by a drunk driver. They all died. For reason I will never understand, I was spared. Kevin feels the way any decent person would in this circumstance. He wants to die. )」
(The one thing I hold on to "death isn't the answer to anything" Kevin needs a reason to live. Don't lose him too. Bring him home. )」
死亡為生者帶來「內疚」,Kevin及Dr. Rorish的兩種內疚不同,然而,這份內疚卻會一輩子與他們存在。
一起追劇吧!~ >w<